In this vignette we show how the R package markovDP
2024) can be used to define and solve the simple Tix-Tac-Toe
game. We define the game Tic-Tac-Toe from the perspective of player
as a simple MDP, and then try to solve the problem using
different dynamic programming and reinforcement learning techniques.
We implement the game form the perspective of player x
where the other player is part of the environment. We represent the
board as a 3-by-3 matrix.
The board consists of nine positions. The player x
mark any of the nine positions with an x
as long as they
are empty. We will number the actions from 1 through 9 using the index
in the matrix (note that R indexed by column). We get the following
layout for actions.
The set of actions of the MDP is therefore:
We use a characters in the board matrix to represent the players
and o
). For an empty place we use the
underscore symbol _
. As the label for a state, we use a
string of all the places of the board in index order. We implement
several helper functions.
ttt_empty_board <- function() matrix('_', ncol = 3, nrow = 3)
ttt_state2label <- function(state) paste(state, collapse = '')
ttt_label2state <- function(label) matrix(strsplit(label, "")[[1]], nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
ttt_available_actions <- function(state) {
if (length(state) == 1L) state <- ttt_label2state(state)
which(state == "_")
ttt_result <- function(state, player, action) {
if (length(state) == 1L) state <- ttt_label2state(state)
if (state[action] != "_")
stop("Illegal action.")
state[action] <- player
Next, we perform a sequence of actions to see how a game would progress using the result function.
b <- ttt_empty_board()
b <- ttt_result(b, 'x', 1)
b <- ttt_result(b, 'o', 4)
b <- ttt_result(b, 'x', 2)
b <- ttt_result(b, 'o', 5)
b <- ttt_result(b, 'x', 3)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] "x" "o" "_"
#> [2,] "x" "o" "_"
#> [3,] "x" "_" "_"
#> [1] "xxxoo____"
#> [1] 6 7 8 9
We need to determine terminal states by checking if the game is over.
ttt_terminal <- function(state) {
if (length(state) == 1L) state <- ttt_label2state(state)
# Check the board for a win and return one of
# 'x', 'o', 'd' (draw), or 'n' (for next move)
win_possibilities <- rbind(state, t(state), diag(state), diag(t(state)))
wins <- apply(win_possibilities, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
if (x[1] != '_' && length(unique(x)) == 1) x[1]
else '_'
if (any(wins == 'x'))
if (any(wins == 'o'))
# Check for draw
if (sum(state == '_') < 1) {
To enumerate the complete reachable state space to define the MDP, we
need to know the start state (an empty board) and define the transition
model. The model is a function that, given an action and a start state,
returns a named vector with all end states that have a non-zero
probability. This is convenient, since we do not know the complete and
potentially large state space at this point. We also add the three
special states of 'win'
, 'loss'
, and
During one interaction with the environment, player x
performs an actions following the learned policy. We implement
as part of the stochastic transition model of the
environment. We return a uniform probability distribution all actions
that o
has available.
start <- ttt_state2label(ttt_empty_board())
#> [1] "_________"
P <- function(model, action, start.state) {
action <- as.integer(action)
# absorbing states
if (start.state %in% c('win', 'loss', 'draw', 'illegal')) {
return(structure(1, names = start.state))
# avoid illegal action by going to the very expensive illegal state
if (!(action %in% ttt_available_actions(start.state))) {
return(structure(1, names = "illegal"))
# make x's move
next_state <- ttt_result(start.state, 'x', action)
# terminal?
term <- ttt_terminal(next_state)
if (term == 'x') {
return(structure(1, names = "win"))
} else if (term == 'o') {
return(structure(1, names = "loss"))
} else if (term == 'd') {
return(structure(1, names = "draw"))
# it is o's turn, try all available actions
actions_of_o <- ttt_available_actions(next_state)
possible_end_states <- lapply(
FUN = function(a)
ttt_result(next_state, 'o', a)
# fix terminal states
term <- sapply(possible_end_states, ttt_terminal)
possible_end_states <- sapply(possible_end_states, ttt_state2label)
possible_end_states[term == 'x'] <- 'win'
possible_end_states[term == 'o'] <- 'loss'
possible_end_states[term == 'd'] <- 'draw'
possible_end_states <- unique(possible_end_states)
return(structure(rep(1 / length(possible_end_states),
names = possible_end_states))
We use find_reachable_states()
to find all reachable
states using depth-first search. We also add the special state
which is only reachable if we use an unavailable
S <- union(c('win', 'loss', 'draw', 'illegal'),
reachable_states(P, start_state = start, actions = A))
#> [1] "win" "loss" "draw" "illegal" "xoxo_ox__" "xoxoo_xxo"
The total number of reachable states is:
The player only receives a reward at the end of the game. The default
reward for states is 0 and the reward for ending up in the states
, loss
, and draw
R <- rbind(
R_( value = 0),
R_(end.state = 'win', value = +1),
R_(end.state = 'loss', value = -1),
R_(end.state = 'draw', value = 0),
R_(end.state = 'illegal', value = -Inf),
# Note: there is no more reward once the agent is in a terminal state
R_(start.state = 'win', value = 0),
R_(start.state = 'loss', value = 0),
R_(start.state = 'draw', value = 0),
R_(start.state = 'illegal', value = 0)
tictactoe <- MDP(
discount = 1,
start = start,
name = "TicTacToe"
#> MDP, MDPE - TicTacToe
#> Discount factor: 1
#> Horizon: Inf epochs
#> Size: 2527 states / 9 actions
#> Storage: transition prob as function / reward as data.frame. Total size: 274.6 Kb
#> Start: _________
#> List components: 'name', 'discount', 'horizon', 'states', 'actions',
#> 'start', 'transition_prob', 'reward', 'info'
We normalize the MDP for quicker access.
We define a few boards to compare how different policies decide.
test_policy <- function(sol) {
boards <- list(empty = rbind(c("_","_","_"),
win_4_or_5 = rbind(c("x","_","x"),
win_1 = rbind(c("_","x","x"),
draw_6 = rbind(c("_","o","_"),
loss = rbind(c("o","o","_"),
pol <- policy(sol)
res <-, lapply(boards, FUN = function(b) pol[pol$state == ttt_state2label(b), ]))
sol <- solve_MDP(n, method = "LP:LP")
#> Warning in func(model, method, horizon, discount, ..., continue = continue, :
#> discount factor needs to be <1 for the used LP formulation. Using 0.999 instead
#> of 1.
#> state V action
#> empty _________ 0.9832345 5
#> win_4_or_5 xo____xo_ 1.0000000 4
#> win_1 __ox_oxox 1.0000000 1
#> draw_6 _x_oo__x_ 0.3745000 6
#> loss oxxoo__x_ -1.0000000 9
sol <- solve_MDP(n, method = "DP:VI")
#> states V action
#> empty _________ 0.984375 5
#> win_4_or_5 xo____xo_ 1.000000 4
#> win_1 __ox_oxox 1.000000 1
#> draw_6 _x_oo__x_ 0.375000 6
#> loss oxxoo__x_ -1.000000 7
The expected state value is for the optimal policy playing against a random player.