plot.hdbscan gained parameters main, ylab, and leaflab (reported by nhward).
dbscan 1.2.2 (2025-01-26)
Removed dependence on the /bits/stdc++.h header.
dbscan 1.2.1 (2025-01-24)
Various refactoring by m-muecke
New Features
HDBSCAN gained parameter cluster_selection_epsilon to implement
clusters selected from Malzer and Baum (2020).
Functions ncluster() and nnoise() were added.
hullplot now() marks noise as x.
Added clplot().
pointdensity now also accepts a dist object as input and has the new type
"gaussian" to calculate a Gaussian kernel estimate.
Added the DBCV index.
extractFOCS: Fixed total_score.
Rewrote minimal spanning tree code.
dbscan 1.2-0 (2024-06-28)
New Features
dbscan has now tidymodels tidiers (glance, tidy, augment).
kNNdistplot can now plot a range of k/minPts values.
added stats::nobs methods for the clusterings.
kNN and frNN now contains the used distance metric.
dbscan component dist was renamed to metric.
Removed redundant sort in kNNdistplot (reported by Natasza Szczypien).
Refactoring use anyNA(x) instead of any(
and many more (by m-muecke).
Reorganized the C++ source code.
README now uses bibtex.
Tests use now testthat edition 3 (m-muecke).
dbscan 1.1-12 (2023-11-28)
point_density checks now for missing values (reported by soelderer).
Removed C++11 specification.
ANN.cpp: fixed Rprintf warning.
dbscan 1.1-11 (2022-10-27)
New Features
kNNdistplot gained parameter minPts.
dbscan now retains information on distance method and border points.
HDBSCAN now supports long vectors to work with larger distance matrices.
conversion from dist to kNN and frNN is now more memory efficient. It does no longer
coerce the dist object into a matrix of double the size, but extract the distances directly
from the dist object.
Better description of how predict uses only Euclidean distances and more error checking.
The package now exports a new generic for as.dendrogram().
is.corepoint() now uses the correct epsilon value (reported by Eng Aun).
functions now check for cluster::dissimilariy objects which have class dist
but missing attributes.
dbscan 1.1-10 (2022-01-15)
New Features
is.corepoint() for DBSCAN.
coredist() and mrdist() for HDBSCAN.
find connected components with comps().
reachability plot now shows all undefined distances as a dashed line.
memory leak in mrd calculation fixed.
dbscan 1.1-9 (2022-01-10)
We use now roxygen2.
New Features
Added predict for hdbscan (as suggested by moredatapls)
dbscan 1.1-8 (2021-04-27)
LOF: fixed numerical issues with k-nearest neighbor distance on Solaris.
dbscan 1.1-7 (2021-04-22)
Fixed description of k in knndistplot and added minPts argument.
Fixed bug for tied distances in lof (reported by sverchkov).
lof: the density parameter was changes to minPts to be consistent with the original paper and dbscan. Note that minPts = k + 1.
dbscan 1.1-6 (2021-02-26)
Improved speed of LOF for large ks (following suggestions by eduardokapp).
kNN: results is now not sorted again for kd-tree queries which is much faster (by a factor of 10).
ANN library: annclose() is now only called once when the package is unloaded. This is in preparation to support persistent kd-trees using external pointers.
hdbscan lost parameter xdist.
removed dependence on methods.
fixed problem in hullplot for singleton clusters (reported by Fernando Archuby).
GLOSH now also accepts data.frames.
GLOSH returns now 0 instead of NaN if we have k duplicate points in the data.
dbscan 1.1-5 (2019-10-23)
New Features
kNN and frNN gained parameter query to query neighbors for points not in the data.
sNN gained parameter jp to decide if the shared NN should be counted using the definition by Jarvis and Patrick.
dbscan 1.1-4 (2019-08-05)
New Features
kNNdist gained parameter all to indicate if a matrix with the distance to all
nearest neighbors up to k should be returned.
kNNdist now correctly returns the distances to the kth neighbor
(reported by zschuster).
dbscan: check eps and minPts parameters to avoid undefined results (reported by ArthurPERE).
dbscan 1.1-3 (2018-11-13)
pointdensity was double counting the query point (reported by Marius Hofert).
dbscan 1.1-2 (2018-05-19)
New Features
OPTICS now calculates eps if it is omitted.
Example now only uses igraph conditionally since it is unavailable
on Solaris (reported by B. Ripley).
dbscan 1.1-1 (2017-03-19)
Fixed problem with constant name on Solaris in ANN code (reported by B. Ripley).
dbscan 1.1-0 (2017-03-19)
New Features
HDBSCAN was added.
extractFOSC (optimal selection of clusters for HDBSCAN) was added.
GLOSH outlier score was added.
hullplot uses now filled polygons as the default.
hullplot now used PCA if the data has more than 2 dimensions.
Added NN superclass for kNN and frNN with plot and with adjacencylist().
Added shared nearest neighbor clustering as sNNclust() and sNN to calculate
the number of shared nearest neighbors.
Added pointdensity function.
Unsorted kNN and frNN can now be sorted using sort().
kNN and frNN now also accept kNN and frNN objects, respectively. This can
be used to create a new kNN (frNN) with a reduced k or eps.
Datasets added: DS3 and moon.
Interface Changes
Improved interface for dbscan() and optics(): ... it now passed on to frNN.
OPTICS clustering extraction methods are now called extractDBSCAN and
kNN and frNN are now objects with a print function.
dbscan now also accepts a frNN object as input.
jpclust and sNNclust now return a list instead of just the
cluster assignments.
dbscan 1.0-0 (2017-02-02)
New Features
The package has now a vignette.
Jarvis-Patrick clustering is now available as jpclust().
Improved interface for dbscan() and optics(): ... is now passed on to frNN.
OPTICS clustering extraction methods are now called extractDBSCAN and
hullplot uses now filled polygons as the default.
hullplot now used PCA if the data has more than 2 dimensions.
kNN and frNN are now objects with a print function.
dbscan now also accepts a frNN object as input.
dbscan 0.9-8 (2016-08-06)
New Features
Added hullplot to plot a scatter plot with added convex cluster hulls.
OPTICS: added a predecessor correction step that is used by
the ELKI implementation (Matt Piekenbrock).
Fixed a memory problem in frNN (reported by Yilei He).
dbscan 0.9-7 (2016-04-14)
OPTICSXi is now implemented (thanks to Matt Piekenbrock).
DBSCAN now also accepts MinPts (with a capital M) to be
compatible with the fpc version.
DBSCAN objects are now also of class db scan_fast to avoid clashes with fpc.
DBSCAN and OPTICS have now predict functions.
Added test for unhandled NAs.
Fixed LOF for more than k duplicate points (reported by Samneet Singh).
dbscan 0.9-6 (2015-12-15)
OPTICS: fixed second bug reported by Di Pang
all methods now also accept dist objects and have a search
method "dist" which precomputes distances.
dbscan 0.9-5 (2015-10-05)
OPTICS: fixed bug with first observation reported by Di Pang
OPTICS: clusterings can now be extracted using optics_cut
dbscan 0.9-4 (2015-09-17)
added tests (testthat).
input data is now checked if it can safely be coerced into a
numeric matrix (storage.mode double).
fixed self matches in kNN and frNN (now returns the first NN correctly).
dbscan 0.9-3 (2015-09-03)
Added weights to DBSCAN.
dbscan 0.9-2 (2015-08-12)
Added kNN interface.
Added frNN (fixed radius NN) interface.
Added LOF.
All algorithms check now for interrupt (CTRL-C/Esc).
DBSCAN now returns a list instead of a numeric vector.
dbscan 0.9-1 (2015-07-23)
DBSCAN: Improved speed by avoiding repeated sorting of point ids.
Added linear NN search option.
Added fast calculation for kNN distance.
fpc and microbenchmark are now used conditionally in the examples.